
A short summary of the years

I've found that it is typical for a lot of photographers to start by doing self portraits, especially those who begin photographing at a young age.  For example, Lara Jade, a quite well-known, young photographer around my age started her career taking pictures on her webcam.  Now days, she's doing shoots for designer brand marketing.

This photo on the left is a picture that started me on actual
 photography rather than webcam pictures and was taken with the first digital camera my family ever owned.  It was taken on May 9, 2004.  I was fooling around with the digital camera one day and I thought I was pretty brilliant at the time for coming up with this picture.  This day was the day that marked the beginning of my love for this art form.

On the right is a more recent photograph I took of my friend Melanie.  Although it isn't my most recent portrait photograph, it is one of my favorite of the few shoots I've done lately.  I plan to do many more with this model in particular and have some bright ideas.  I'm so excited to try them all and see how the pictures turn out.  It's just exciting to see how far I've come, and mostly on my own, in the last five years.

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